Catastrophic Perfection

Perfection takes a few tries. Let's see if I can get it right.

Dead Week

So Austin is in "Dead Week." I'm not quite sure why it's called that but I assume it's because the last weeks of school, especially in college, are so gruelling and stressful, that there's no time for sleep, and that you really have to kill yourself to get through it. But now it's killing me to be away from him. Do you ever get that feeling? I mean I've been being pulled away from him since spring break. Not once have I gotten to just be with him, you know? It's driving me crazy. I just wanna be with my boyfriend, ok! Why is that so hard? Why is every single thing in the world standing in my way?
It's just obstacle after obstacle.
First it was his parents.
My age.
His age.
My parents.
My school work.
His school work.
His fraternity.
His scheduling.

Why is this happening? In the beginning, everything was in our favor. Our parents didn't object to us dating, and my grades were up, and his fraternity wasn't having an event every week that would take him away from me.
I know I'm being selfish by wanted everything to give him to me, and to want all his time for myself, but I want more then a few texts during the day, and a phone call at 2 in the morning, when I'm incoherent and can't remember our conversation the next day. That's no kind of relationship, and that's why I want it to change.

Temperpedic Matress?

I just saw this commercial for temperpedic matresses, and there were three scenes of people sleeping on them. The first thing is that all three scenes were of couples. And the first two involves the woman in lingerie, which I think is very strange. I mean girls sleep in regular pjs too! Geez. The first scene was of the couple all wrapped up in sheets, spooning, which would've been cute if I didn't think that the girl wasn't wearing anything except her bra XP. Then the second one was much more scandalous. The girl was in bright read tank and boy shorts, and the guys fingertips were in her panty line! I was like.. Uh... why is that on camera? You don't put that in a commercial! Stupid. And the third one was just weird. This older couple was on a matress, on their patio looking at the desert. 1. Who puts a matress outside. 2. The girl was like on top of the guys head, like perched with her hand on his face pointing at the desert. Which was very funny :) Crazy temperpedic people.


So, Carissa and I have decided to make a website.
You should go there soon!
It's pretty cool.

So I am on my blog right now and then Izzie Marie Gall Jones (which is her shortened name) was like "your's are so short!" and so then, I decided that I should make a big post. So I am.

So I think it was last week, Carissa uploaded new post secrets to her facebook album. And I decided that I would be creepy and do the same thing! So I did. And mine is much smaller then Carissa's because I was uploading a lot, but then my Daddy said that it was past my bedtime and that I had to go to sleep. So quick before I stopped posting, I made my own PostSecret and mixed it in with my album. And no one can figure out which one it is.
It's funny because Carissa thinks that all the funny ones are mine, which is weird, because, although I may do some of those things, I for one do not think that I could make a post secret that is funny and clever because I don't think that anyone would approve or think that they were funny. Mine is a sad one. And Izzie thinks that it's this one:

Which it very well could be, what with Abby and everything. Who is exactly who I had in mind when I uploaded it. It's funny because the comment for that one on facebook is "one day I hope you realize this applies to you." Which, since she most likely does not facebook stalk me, she will never see, and therefore she will never realize that it really does apply to her.
But anyway, we're done with the sadness.

Yesterday I think was just an all around BAD day.
So it started out with me in English, and I missed my appointment with Mr. Bancroft about my shitty essay. And then he was like "For a 4 on the IB exam, you need at least a 3 on the commentary." Which is super bad because I'm progressively getting worse.
Then, I had ToK. Which is just an all around bad sitiation.
Then! I had to go to speech, which was good in the beginning, except, I saw this text from Audrey Mae to Baskin and Robbins and it was very suspicious and sketch, which makes me very worried about her. I mean seriously, he has a girlfriend so no sketch, suspcious messages should be exchanged between them. And then I confronted her about it, and she got all "NO! I'm not gonna tell you!" And all quiet and weird about it, so I knew it wasn't "just a winky" as she was trying to pass it off as. And so then I shunned her to make her tell me, but she is very persistant and whiny and it was very difficult.
Then at speech, I lost my left shoe, and so first round, I had to perform barefoot in front of Romantic Fools and Dominick and Eugene, which was embarrassing. And then when we got back to the cafeteria, Izzie yelled to the whole cafeteria about my missing shoe, and I felt really bad cause everyone (including george people!) were lauging at us. And it made me very mad. Which just dug Audrey Mae deeper into her hole.
Then Joe Barber, who was being very nice and we were getting along very well, helped me find it, and it was under my bag, and then he proceeded to make me feel dumb. :(
And then he and I got in a tussle and I hit my ear against this metal window thing, and I think it's bruised cause it still hurts. So then I told Austin, and Joe stole my phone and started texting him weird things, so I beat him up so he wouldn't give me back my phone. And I got really pissed and sensitive, and Austin couldn't call me, and Joe had my phone, and everyone was not talking to me, and stuff. And then I cried. And sat in a corner and read my book. It was a very pathetic site to see.
Then I finally got Audrey Mae to tell me about her text, and it was not okay with me. But there was nothing I could do that would make her not do what she was planning, so I just get to sit and be worried about her. It's just a bad situation for her.
Then I find out that Izzie and I went down first round, while Alex+Rachel, Joe+Adam, and Alice+Poofy go up. Which I personally think is ridiculous. I mean seriously, what's wrong with these judges! Gahhhh. And then we go down second round too, so us and Twilight Parody are the only teams out of duo. Ridiculous.
And then when I got home, I really wanted to call Austin, and complain, but I also got sick at the tournament too! And so I sounded kinda bad, I guess, and he wouldn't let me talk to him, which made me even more upset and I just fell asleep in my speech clothes, and my hair all a mess.
The end of the Bad Day.

Izzie's Cool

You should see her desktop background. It's pretty much the coolest thing ever. If you want to see it, you should go to her blog: and ask her to post a picture :)

Screw ME

GOD!!!! BLEHHHHH! such a bad mood today.